Friday, June 27, 2014

Geopathic Stress : Your worst enemy

Geopathic Stress has been the talk of the recent times. Though a majority of people are still unaware about this serious problems which is hanging like a sword on our neck. Sleeping in a geopathic stress affected area is like sleeping with an enemy without even knowing the danger that we are letting ourselves fall into.

The term Geopathic stress means disease or suffering of the earth. It literally refers to the earth energies that are harmful to mankind. Geopathic Stress lines runs through the earth. When a structure is built above the underground water, the natural magnetic flow of the water energy is restricted and disruptive vibrations are sent in the building. If we sleep over these lines over a period of time, the body's resistance to diseases can be affected.

However, people still need to be made aware about this dangerous enemy. The effects of Geopathic Stress are varied. However something which is an issue of major concern is CANCER. Yes, very correctly interpreted. Sleeping in a Geopathic Stress zone for a considerable amount of times leads to development of cancer in the part of the body which lies in the intersection point.

Vaastuvedas is making an earnest effort to create an awareness amongst the people about this serious cause. Lets join hands together and spread the word. Let more and more people know about the
 > What is Geopathic Stress
 > How is Geopathic Stress caused?
 > How do you know that you are Geopathic Stress effected
 > Geopathic Stress and CANCER
 > What are the remedial measures

To know bout all this keep logging here or log on to

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

The Right Sleeping Position In The Night

I have always heard people commenting that their head seems to be so heavy when they get up from sleep. While some others add that they never sleep to well in the night. Have you ever wondered why is it that after a days hard work you have just not been able to sleep tight and sleep well. In most of the cases its attributed to the wrong sleeping positions. Here is your chance and resource to know whats the correct sleeping position for you.

vaastu shastra tips

vaastu shastra consultant

The Effect of Geomagnetic Storms On Heart Strokes

I have been discussing about the stress lines which is engulfing the life of mankind at a much faster rate than one can analyze. With refrence (Reuters Health), I will very seriously like to bring to light that Geomagnetic Storms are very much related to the HEART STROKES.

These Geomagnetic Storms are created when the magnetic balance of the earth is disturbed by solar winds, or coronal mass ejections.An extensive research was carried out by the researchers in New York and it was put to light that amongst more than 11,000 people who suffered a stroke, it was most likely to happen on the days when geomagnetic storms were recorded.

Dr. Valery L. Feigin of the National Institute for Stroke and Applied Neurosciences at the School of Rehabilitation and Occupation Studies at Auckland University of Technology added that these results amazed him. He said that the size and consistency of the stroke further confirmed the fact that geomagnetic storms are directly related to the increasing number of strokes.

These geomagnetic storms brings harm in ways more than one. It makes the magnetic compass behave in an unpredictable manner. In 1989, a geomagnetic storm disrupted the Quebec power grid. This resulted in a complete blackout in the province that lasted nine hours.In an order to find the correlation between the heart strokes and the geomagnetic storms a detailed study was carried out. Dr.Valery and his colleagues studied the dates of the patients first stroke and compared it to the geomagnetic activity from the same time period
from the U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. For each incident of stroke, researchers compared geomagnetic activity that day with activity on eight other days when the patient did not have a stroke. It was analysed that the geomagnetic storms were 19 percent more likely to occur on geomagnetic storm days than on other days.

The Geomagnetic Storms are likely to effect the blood pressure, variations in heart rhythm and blood clotting abilities. These all in turn are related to the heart strokes. The very idea that the geomagnetic storm will effect the strokes might appear to be a vague and new idea to people. People are not likely to change their way of living to escape this. And as a matter of fact, nothing much can be done to avoid the geomagnetic storms, because the Earth's magnetic field is everywhere.

Monday, May 5, 2014

Keep The House Clutter Free To Avoid Tensions

vaastu shastra tips
Keeping the house clutter free is the most important vaastu shastra principle. Clutter is said to encourage stress and tension among people living in the family. This is specially true for the bedrooms. Make sure that the place within the cupboards and under the bed are free from clutter. Some people have a habit of storing things. This clutter only stops you rfom moving ahead leading to vaastu shastra problems in your living space. Removing the clutter makes you open to the forces of nature.

How to achieve more concentration and mental stability

vaastu shastra tip
Follow this vaastu tip to achieve more concentration. Concentration is an important thing required for success in life. Family stress affects the concentration thereby creating problems at work. Some of our body centres (chakras) are also responsible for mental stability and concentration. Increase the use of yellow and violet colors to increase the concentration. See that you face the north while doing mental exhausting works. Also there should be open space in front of you. In case this cannot be arranged, place a pyramid infront of you.

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Should one sleep with cell phones under the pillow?

There are many reasons why experts suggest that sleeping with your cell phones under your pillow is not recommended. They suggest that the mobile phones should be kept away when you are sleeping. One should be far away from the radiations emitted from a cell phone during sleep. Its estimated that your mobile phones emit harmful radiations due to transmission of signal around 900MHz. This can damage your brain.

Cell phones radiate electromagnetic radiation whenever they’re on – which means sleeping with a cell phone near can boost your exposure to such radiations all night long. 

Monday, January 20, 2014

Vaastu tips for the master bedroom

After a whole busy day you expect a complete rest for your body & mind. And bedroom is the place where you get the relief from your stress, workout and other tension. So it becomes very necessary to take utmost care while placing the interiors for your bedroom according to the vaastu shastra percepts. Some general vaastu shastra principles relating to the Bedroom are as follows:
The master bedroom is the place where the head of the family gets peace and privacy. Thus it is preferred in the Southwest or South since it is considered to be cool place.
Avoid constructing the master bedroom in the Northeast direction. Southeast is also not recommended for this room.
While placing mirror in your bedroom see to it that no part of your body is directly visible in the mirror while sleeping. Because that part of your body might face health problems e.g. if your head is visible in the mirror while sleeping it may cause migraine or if your legs are visible then you may face problem such as joints pain, etc.
Always keep your feet away from the main door, while sleeping it should not face the main door.
Place the bed in the Southwest of the room but it should not obstruct the door of the room.
Do not sleep keeping your head towards the north.
Avoid having bedroom near the drawing room.
Always keep room well-maintained, along with some scenery. Keep it well-lit and pleasant looking.
Always sleep with your head towards south.
See that the bed never touches the wall.
People sleeping in South-East in East bedrooms suffer from sleeplessness, anxiety and short temper.
The owner sleeping in North-West bed rooms suffers instability.
It is best for the house owner to sleep in the South-West room and in case not possible in the South-West room and then arrangements can be made in the South or West rooms.
Square and rectangular shaped bedrooms are the best, so construct according to this method, the unsystematic typed bedrooms may not be fulfilled the inmates needs. Care has to take on bed room construction because a place to unwind,let your hair down and put up your feet-all very casual and private activities.For all the time spent and the intimacy it demands,a bedroom takes very careful and detailed planning.Not because it is the most personal room in a house but because it is a room WHERE YOU DREAM.
The bedrooms of the head of the family should be in the south-west corner of the west side. If there are more than one floor, the head of the family should have a bed room on the upper storey in the south-west corner of the west direction. This room is also good for adult married children. But under no condition it should be a bedroom of the younger children. There are clashes and unnecessary quarrels in the house. A bedroom in the south direction can also be tolerated.
Avoid placing the divine idols in the bedroom., and also divine photo frames.
As a part of Vastu guidelines for bedroom, if you want to have a bookshelf in your bedroom, then west or southwest corner is apt for this purpose.
The beds should be of good quality wood. They should be solid and must not be shaky. The mattress should provide good support to the body while resting. Box beds are ideally not recommended, but due to paucity of space in houses these days, getting rid of box beds is easier said than done. Make sure you de-clutter and sort out things kept in the box-beds from time to time. Shoes and chappals should not be kept under a bed try to keep the area under the bed, as clean as possible. Your bedroom should be a place where you can totally relax. Keep objects that remind you of unfinished tasks out of the room, or at least out of sight. A bedroom should be aesthetically designed with soothing colours and pictures. Have pleasant pictures associated with happy memories around you. The foot of the bed should not directly face the door of the room. The bed should not be placed under a beam. The South-West area of the bedroom should not be kept empty. Keep heavy furniture or an almirah here. Do not have your temple in the bedroom.
Avoid fixing doors in the South-West of the bedroom, otherwise you will suffer with ill health, sudden damage to your sovereignty . Finance weak. Disturbed life with no peace etc.
Bedrooms on the northeast side of the house will also cause trouble.
Upon rising from bed, the right foot should be placed on the floor first. If one is to study in the bedroom, the east side should be used. The wardrobe should be located on the northwest or southwest side of the bedroom. TV, heaters, and air conditioners should be located in the southeast corner.
At night it is advisable to keep a light burning. A night bulb will do. Never keep the bedroom pitch dark.
The bed room flooring should be higher than all the other rooms flooring, so that the owner of the house will enjoy the standard.
The main entrance to the bedroom will always be at northeast corner either towards east or north sides.
If the bed room door is not possible to fix at northeast corner, (generally at southwest bedrooms we can arrange door at northeast corner) then go to southeast corner towards south side, the next one is northwest corner towards west sides only.
Try not to sleep in direct alignment with sharp corners. Sharp corners act as energy spears and create stress in the nervous system. There is not serenity in a room that has sharp corners except by softening them by placing plants in front of them. You can also try moving your bed away from direct alignment with them.
The dressing table in the room’s Southeast or Northwest corner
The cooler at the room is towards southeast or northwest direction, if not possible then place this one at north or east directions but it should not touch the wall at these directions.
The flooring should be higher than the remaining house flooring.