Wednesday, May 7, 2014

The Right Sleeping Position In The Night

I have always heard people commenting that their head seems to be so heavy when they get up from sleep. While some others add that they never sleep to well in the night. Have you ever wondered why is it that after a days hard work you have just not been able to sleep tight and sleep well. In most of the cases its attributed to the wrong sleeping positions. Here is your chance and resource to know whats the correct sleeping position for you.

vaastu shastra tips

vaastu shastra consultant

The Effect of Geomagnetic Storms On Heart Strokes

I have been discussing about the stress lines which is engulfing the life of mankind at a much faster rate than one can analyze. With refrence (Reuters Health), I will very seriously like to bring to light that Geomagnetic Storms are very much related to the HEART STROKES.

These Geomagnetic Storms are created when the magnetic balance of the earth is disturbed by solar winds, or coronal mass ejections.An extensive research was carried out by the researchers in New York and it was put to light that amongst more than 11,000 people who suffered a stroke, it was most likely to happen on the days when geomagnetic storms were recorded.

Dr. Valery L. Feigin of the National Institute for Stroke and Applied Neurosciences at the School of Rehabilitation and Occupation Studies at Auckland University of Technology added that these results amazed him. He said that the size and consistency of the stroke further confirmed the fact that geomagnetic storms are directly related to the increasing number of strokes.

These geomagnetic storms brings harm in ways more than one. It makes the magnetic compass behave in an unpredictable manner. In 1989, a geomagnetic storm disrupted the Quebec power grid. This resulted in a complete blackout in the province that lasted nine hours.In an order to find the correlation between the heart strokes and the geomagnetic storms a detailed study was carried out. Dr.Valery and his colleagues studied the dates of the patients first stroke and compared it to the geomagnetic activity from the same time period
from the U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. For each incident of stroke, researchers compared geomagnetic activity that day with activity on eight other days when the patient did not have a stroke. It was analysed that the geomagnetic storms were 19 percent more likely to occur on geomagnetic storm days than on other days.

The Geomagnetic Storms are likely to effect the blood pressure, variations in heart rhythm and blood clotting abilities. These all in turn are related to the heart strokes. The very idea that the geomagnetic storm will effect the strokes might appear to be a vague and new idea to people. People are not likely to change their way of living to escape this. And as a matter of fact, nothing much can be done to avoid the geomagnetic storms, because the Earth's magnetic field is everywhere.

Monday, May 5, 2014

Keep The House Clutter Free To Avoid Tensions

vaastu shastra tips
Keeping the house clutter free is the most important vaastu shastra principle. Clutter is said to encourage stress and tension among people living in the family. This is specially true for the bedrooms. Make sure that the place within the cupboards and under the bed are free from clutter. Some people have a habit of storing things. This clutter only stops you rfom moving ahead leading to vaastu shastra problems in your living space. Removing the clutter makes you open to the forces of nature.

How to achieve more concentration and mental stability

vaastu shastra tip
Follow this vaastu tip to achieve more concentration. Concentration is an important thing required for success in life. Family stress affects the concentration thereby creating problems at work. Some of our body centres (chakras) are also responsible for mental stability and concentration. Increase the use of yellow and violet colors to increase the concentration. See that you face the north while doing mental exhausting works. Also there should be open space in front of you. In case this cannot be arranged, place a pyramid infront of you.